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Product Releases

Sneak Preview: Improved Jobs Dashboard and Candidate Management


Agustus 14 • 2 menit membaca

Hi there, Kalibrr Clients! We’ve listened to how you want a simpler, easy-to-use tool for hiring new employees. So we rolled up our sleeves and got our hands pretty dirty during a wonderful user experience workshop with our mentor from eBay’s design team Dane Howard. Let me show you what we’ve cooked up: See a quick overview of job performance with the improved jobs dashboard. 

View how many candidates are in each stage at any time.

You can even navigate to them directly and receive notifications.


Search your candidate pool and the Kalibrr talent pool from anywhere.


Know who your qualified applicants are right away. 

Based on your job post, we’ll tell you who the qualified applicants are and filter out unqualified candidates immediately. We’ll even recommend candidates from our own pool who fit your job requirements.


Manage candidates easier with a simplified candidate pipeline.

We’ve reduced the flow to 5 steps make managing candidates, well, simple. It’s also much easier to compare candidates with new filters and a sleek interface.

We are positive these exciting changes will speed up your recruitment process and make your Kalibrr experience exceptional. Happy recruiting!


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Tentang Penulis

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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