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For Jobseeker

4 Simple Ways To Get Things Done


March 05 • 3 min read
Do you sometimes feel like the search for a productive work day can be similar to the pursuit of happiness – unattainable and never-ending? Though legendary basketball coach John Wooden said, “Don’t mistake activity for achievement”, give yourself a round of applause for checking out this article by Avery Augustine, who imparts tips on springing back from an unproductive work day:

1. Do just one thing

The magic number is one. Not two, three or many but one. Focus on and commit to wrapping up one task off your 672-item to-do-list before braving the traffic. Doing so brings a shot of peace of mind (“All is well!”) and encouragement (“I can do it”) that you can carry on to the next day.

2. Plan for tomorrow

When you call it a day in the office, be sure not to bring work home with you. Before getting some shut-eye, however, map out tomorrow’s work day. Highlight your priority tasks and/or what needs your full attention. As echoed by Benjamin Franklin, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

3. Find your way back into the zone

How to enter this zone? Everyone has different ways of getting into “the zone”, or, into beast mode (!!!). Productivity techniques and methods are right around the corner waiting to be tapped.

4. Learn to manage your time

Asking “Where does the time go?” could be a sign that you may have to take stock of how and where you are spending your time. Budget your time well and conduct a time audit to see where you devote your 24 hours. Tried any of these? Let us know if these are helpful. Whether you’re the team’s top performer or a constant practitioner of the mañana habit, there is a lesson – or lessons – tailor-made for you that will help you become your most productive version and get things done.
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About The Writer

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. More about Karina

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