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A new Jobs Dashboard on May 27, 2016! Product Update!


May 27 • 3 min read

Hey there Recruiters!

Kalibrr has been silent these last few weeks with product updates and that’s because we’ve been working on something big for you guys. I’m excited to announce that starting tomorrow, May 27, 2016, we are launching our New Jobs Dashboard.

We spent a lot of time talking to recruiters just like you to learn how we can best help you source for and manage your applicant pipeline. Thank you for your valuable feedback as a Kalibrr recruiter and we hope these updates help you do your job smarter and faster!

Recommended matches now appear as leads instantly for a better overview of your sourcing pipeline

As soon as you post a job, we will recommend you candidates on your leads bucket. These candidates can then be invited via SMS to apply to your company! You no longer have to sit around and simply wait for people to apply to your job.

Hover over a job post to reveal more options: Edit, share and now copy your job post

A lot of recruiters ask us on intercom about action items regarding their job posts. We simplified the User interface to make these action items easier to notice and interact with!

Invite candidates who saved and viewed your job post to apply!

You can now see candidates who have viewed and saved your job posts!

Download the full jobs dashboard guide here !

Stay tuned for more updates as we will be rolling out more recruiter updates soon! We always appreciate your feedback regarding our products so please leave a comment or message us on Intercom!


Kalibrr Team


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About The Writer

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. More about Karina

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