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Product Releases

It’s the most wonderful time of the year


Desember 23 • 5 menit membaca

There are so many reasons why the holiday season is wonderful for many. We enumerated a couple of reasons what makes this season so special and gratitude topped our list (although endless food feasts came a close second). As the year draws to a close and everyone takes a bit of time to reflect on all that has passed, us Kalibrr folks felt nothing but gratitude for everyone who’s joined us on this journey.

We’re thankful most of all for the recruiters who’ve partnered with Kalibrr. You challenge and teach us every day. That’s why we decided to hold our first ever Kalibrr Year-End Appreciation Night. In the spirit of gratitude and good cheer, we gathered our partner companies for a night of good food and conversation.

Weeks before the event, as we brainstormed on themes and motifs, Julius (our Senior VP for Engagement) had an aha moment. Beyond the platform our recruiters see day in and day out, are the people and their stories. What better way to say thank you than by sharing the impact of the work we do together? We set up a humble photo exhibit featuring work from some talented photographers right in the Kalibrr team: Dani, Chris and Kevin. The once bare walls of our marketing room were now decorated with portraits of real people and snapshots of genuine moments.

It was also a debut for our Kalibrr Love Wall, which we hope is just the first piece of a growing picture. Our designers and customer support team took the time to handwrite a handful of testimonials from people who got hired through Kalibrr. Just the thing to make us all feel warm and fuzzy. My personal favorite is: “It helped me not stop reaching out and looking for opportunities that I thought I would never try.” (Peter Alcantara)

Paul and Julius of course had a few words to share on what’s in store for 2016. I was also fortunate to share the floor with them to present some Super Recruiter Awards. This year we’ve been able to recognize a select number of recruiters for their use of technology in creating more efficient and effective recruitment processes. Sneak peek: There’ll be a lot more awards and awardees in the future. 😉

Friends from our investor, Kickstart, were very generous to sponsor our raffle with some Kickstart goodie bags.

If you were there to witness the evening’s festivities, another heartfelt thank you for spending your time with us. If you weren’t, we definitely hope to see you at our future events. 🙂

We’re very excited for the new year and we hope you are too as we have a lot in store for the recruiting community. It’s been an awesome 2015 for Kalibrr and we have our Kalibrr community to thank for that. To customers, partners, investors and friends: Happy Holidays and Cheers to the New Year!

The Kalibrr Team

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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