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Product Releases

Power-ups for Core


Desember 16 • 2 menit membaca

Hello fellow recruiters, Happy December! I hope you’ve all been getting into the Christmas spirit. Here at Kalibrr, we’re definitely feeling more generous as our Christmas rush has been full of product improvements. The latest present we’ve wrapped includes some improvements to our Core package. Here’s the low-down: Core powered with SMS messaging. Now every time you send a message thru the Kalibrr platform, your applicants receive it in their Kalibrr account, email and mobile phones (SMS). As we strongly believe here at Kalibrr, communication is key! Core powered with unlimited teammates. If you’re on a core package, you can now add as many teammates to your company account. Give the gift of collaboration in your recruitment team. Here’s how you can add more teammates:

If you’re already on a core package with us, you get these upgrades for free. 🙂 If you aren’t yet, you can be sure to get the most value even from our basic packages with these improvements to our Core package.

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Tentang Penulis

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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