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For Jobseeker

Top Growing Careers for 2022


Januari 17 • 7 menit membaca

The pandemic has pushed for shifts in every industry to accommodate the changes presented by quarantine and health protocols. The work industry is no stranger to adapting to the new normal. To bring hope and prosperity to the new year, the world approaches with a new mindset to bounce back while investing in the right departments while optimizing for the future. Along with the transformation of careers and industries are the top jobs on demand. Let us revisit the job trends according to Kalibrr.



Potential Roles: Project Coordinator, Program Manager, Operations Associate

The world is on the road to recovery, and companies are transitioning from resilient operations management to making significant transformations from within. Organizations will look to optimize productivity at the onset of hybrid work. According to Kalibrr, almost a million and a half of Operations Associates and Managers applied for jobs on the website. With the setbacks that happened from the pandemic, companies are looking for more opportunities to make their processes more efficient. In line with this, operations professionals jump on the opportunity to meet that need for the company. The new year is looking up to these careers as change and adaptability are inevitable in the new normal.


Social Media Management

Potential Roles: Content Creator, Content Writer, Social Media Manager

To continue staying connected, social media has thrived in the face of the pandemic. With new social media platforms like Tiktok on the rise, social media managers are a must-have to develop strategies in building a brand in today’s digital age. Additionally, staying updated with ever-changing trends and keeping a company’s image constant on the platforms are sure-fire ways to foster engagement for your organization’s services and products. Kalibrr’s data reported almost half a million applications for Social Media Manager and Content Creator roles. With the continuing consumption of social media, having a manager just for your online presence is proven beneficial for your company’s image and branding.


Information Technology and Data Science

Potential Roles: Data Scientist, Research & Development Specialist, Data Analyst

Technology rode the wave of changes and innovation during the pandemic. The new year continues to see an upward trend for tech professionals. Companies are hiring experts to leverage the benefits of data to their advantage, making their business future-proof and adaptable in a fast-paced industry. More than 300,000 applied for Data Scientist and Analyst positions on Kalibrr to curb the need for more people to look at the numbers and use them to the company’s advantage. With the rise of technological advancements, Data Scientists and Analysts will surely be in demand for this year.

Accounting and Finance

Potential Roles: Accounting Associate, Finance Officer, Tax and Compliance Officer

With Operations Managers ensuring efficiency for the company and Data Scientists using the organization’s numbers to their advantage, companies are expecting to see substantial growth in 2022. Hiring for financial roles can help capitalize on profitability or reduce costs to maximize growth for an upcoming busy year. Financial analysts, accountants, and advisors comprised more than 50,000 applications on Kalibrr in the past year alone, giving rise to more applications in the year to come.


Business Development

Potential Roles: Business Development Consultant, Strategic Partnerships Manager, Account Executive

Despite the setbacks of the pandemic, businesses are still doing their best to stay afloat and flourish. Building strategic partnerships and business decisions will never be more important than it is now as organizations strive to regrow and expand coming from the challenges of the pandemic. Developing new ways to strengthen the business is imperative in keeping the company’s goals intact and producing good results. Kalibrr’s data reported almost 400,000 applications for business development professionals. With new partnerships and secure business strategies, companies can enter 2022 with fresh perspectives.

Change and adaptability can be considered as the foremost principles of the industries especially in the new normal. These job titles are just some of the careers that are projected with growth for 2020. The job landscape is constantly changing and predicting the future is no easy feat but for those looking to shift careers or simply start out, an opportunity in an emerging industry may be the way to secure a career.

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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