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For Jobseeker

5 Ways Kindness Leads to Career Success


Februari 13 • 7 menit membaca

Whether you’re heading out into the real world for the first time, switching career paths or simply trying to get a promotion, the path to career success can be long and intimidating. In a world where everyone is desperately trying to get the upper hand, it’s important that you remain focused and ethical. At the end of the day, if you burn bridges to get to the top, it will likely come back around to haunt you.

While there are many different ways to achieve success in your career, one of the most important ways to do so is by being kind to others.. Kindness can only help your career, yet it’s often thrown out the window when the going gets tough. Not only can it help you, but it’s free and it’s easy—here are five ways you can incorporate kindness in your path to career success.

Giving Back Makes You Happy


Businesses have the resources and innovative thinking to positively change our world. Whether you support a local charity or simply volunteer your time, you, your company, and your co-workers will reap the benefits of giving back.

You will not only make valuable connections for the future, you will likely also receive positive publicity and feel good about the deeds you are doing. In fact, studies show that performing good deeds for others is actually proven to boost happiness. What’s better than working alongside happy people?

Lasting Impressions


We all know the golden rule—treat others as you want to be treated. When working with clients, if you treat them with kindness and compassion, you will leave a great first impression that will likely position you ahead of the competition. Treating your co-workers with kindness is also a must, especially if you’d like to eventually fill the shoes of someone in a higher position.

If you’re always kind and willing to help others, it will set you apart from many; it could help you close a sale, land a position, or get that promotion. According to the Stanford Graduate School of Business, people who are kind, generous, and compassionate tend to be attracted to and be selected by organizations that match those qualities. Making a good impression from day one is important to open doors that can only further your path to success.

Better Work Environment


Tensions can run high at during peak season or when you’re working long hours, but you can resolve these issues peacefully by treating each other with kindness, instead of butting heads. While it’s almost impossible to avoid frustrating situations, it is possible to control your reaction.

If you do need to vent to someone, however, it’s best you leave your co-workers out of it, as no one likes to be stuck in the middle. By simply extending kindness to others, everyone will feel happier, positive and motivated to work together—a necessity for a productive work environment.

The Domino Effect 


There’s always that one person who can never seem to look at the bright side of things. Showing kindness is scientifically proven to create a ripple effect that ultimately spreads outward touching others’ lives. By taking a few minutes out of your day to show kindness, it will continue to be passed on and make someone else’s day a little bit better.

Ask a coworker about their weekend, invite them to get coffee, or help them get ahead on a big project. Your efforts won’t go unnoticed and this can lead to a positive shift in morale and motivation.



While it’s true being kind to others can improve your mood, don’t forget to be kind to yourself. Work can be hectic and at times it can feel as if nothing is going the way it should. When you find yourself in a rut, don’t put yourself down. Instead, build yourself up with things that will improve your mood.

Whether you need a few deep breaths or a few days off, if you make yourself happy, you will be better equipped to show kindness to others.

From creating a more comfortable work environment to leaving a lasting, memorable impression with clients, kindness can influence significant, positive changes in the workplace and ultimately lead to career success. The good news is it takes very little effort to be kind to others and kind to yourself. How has kindness helped you in your career? Let us know in the comments below!

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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