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Home>For Employer > 21 Awesome Ways to Show Some Love to Your Employees
For Employer

21 Awesome Ways to Show Some Love to Your Employees


September 23 • 7 min read

When your employees thrive at work, they shine. And they shine even brighter when when you let them know that you appreciate what they’ve contributed for the company, and even for their fellow colleagues. A simple “thank you” can definitely help keep your employees engage and excited about their work.

It does not take a big raise or expensive gifts to make your employees happy. They just need to know that they are appreciated by their superiors and the more effectively you are able to do that, the better results you will achieve from the people on your team.

Here are 21 great ways to say thank you to your employees:

1. Thank You Note. Saying thanks about something specific is the ultimate reward. If you do it right, a thank you note may be pinned above your employee’s desk for years.

2. Pizza Party. What’s a way to say thanks but to surprise the team with boxes of pizza! Lunch with colleagues is fun, and it also breaks up the daily work routine. A win-win for anyone who likes to eat.

3. Day Off Pass. An extra day off from work is always a good idea, and is even better when employees can pick the day and get paid to boot.

4. Presidential Seal. Create a formal letter recognizing your employee’s achievement. Sign it and use the company’s seal to give it a lot of importance. Frame it too if you really want to make it extra special.

5. Cake for all. Who doesn’t like a sweet moist chocolate cake? Add in some ice cream too if you like

6. Standing Ovation. Get all your employees together in the same room, then invite in the employee you’re recognizing and give him or her a standing ovation. A speech from you at the end would be needed.


7. Buy them their favorite Starbucks coffee. And if you’d like, let the barista put a note on the cup like “You’re the best!” or “Thanks for everything.”

8. Breakfast from the Boss. Bring in a catered breakfast for your team, be the main waiter, serving all your wonderful employees.

9. Wall of Fame. Create a wall of fame for each recognized employee. And below their photo, place in what they’re being recognized for.

10. Name the Room. Name an office, lounge, conference room or any room in your office building after the employee. Be sure to put a plaque right outside the room.

11. Massage. Have a massage therapist come to your office for the day and give every recognized employee a chair massage.


12. The Oscars. Have your own annual Academy Awards ceremony. While this is a big event, you can do this as a one-time big-time company event once a year.

13. Picnic Basket. Get them a catered lunch, in a picnic basket.

14. Recognition Circle. Get each employee to write something positive about the person you’re recognizing on a piece of paper. Either give them the box of collected sayings or frame them for the person.

15. Movie Time. Free movie tickets for two, and some time off to go see their favorite movie.

16. Just Say it. The words “thank you” are powerful. And sometimes all you need to do is to say it sincerely.


17. Thank You Video. Create a video recognizing your employee. Post it on YouTube for your employee and anyone they want to share it with.

18. A New Chair. Most of them have been sitting there for eight hours in a day. And a new comfortable, supportive chair will go a long way.

19. Sticky Notes. Post a sticky note on their monitor, saying thanks and saying why. Simple, but effective, when it’s authentic.

20. Email Everyone. Send an email to the entire company explaining how impressed you are by your employee for going above and beyond.

21. Double Time Breaks. Double the time of their breaks for a day or two—double the lunch break, coffee break, and any other breaks they have.

22. BONUS: Puppy Attack. Puppies! Cute, adorable puppies everywhere! What a way to say thank you than by letting puppies lick their faces for a day in the office. Plus, it releases all the stresses your employees are in.


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About The Writer

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. More about Karina

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