How To Use Facebook To Turn Your Recruitment Digital

Facebook, the world’s most popular website in the entire world has drastically evolved from just updating status, sharing photos, or messaging friends to actually finding your next best hire.
In the Philippines alone, there are almost 42 million Filipinos on Facebook. And while hiring managers and HR teams discuss developing their company’s brand awareness online, these same companies have also taken advantage of recruitment opportunities that the social networking site provides.
Alison Edgar, managing director of Sales Coaching Solutions, posted a status update asking “Is it you I’m looking for?” and detailing the job description at her company. The advert was shared by her network and she received several applications. “We hired Natasha, who has now been with us for six weeks and is amazing,” she says. “She graduated last year, and has landed two new clients in six weeks, which is more than we ever expected.”
For the present generation, who spend a lot more time on the internet than on the TV, brands needed to change their approach. If you want to gain more gain more leads and applicant traffic for you job openings, using Facebook will be your best alternative.
Facebook Fan Page
It’s essential for every business to make their brand known, and what better channel to do that but on Facebook. It is not only the big brands that make full use of this social media power, small to medium enterprises have also stepped up.
Having a fan page for your company is one great advantage to get your brand out there—post information on product updates, easy interaction and feedback with clients, and even post job openings if you’re hiring.
Facebook Groups
Facebook groups can be a useful place to find like-minded people or target local workers. Darren Hart, head of digital at T&S Creative Communications said they’ve done some serious scale recruitment using Facebook because they can target people by current job role, age group, education and location.
Join the millions of groups already established or perhaps create and develop your own community so you can target a particular niche. Post links and content that is both useful and relevant to that particular group.
Facebook Ads
Getting your company out there isn’t just limited with a fan page or a group, Facebook also gives you a chance to advertise campaigns through Facebook Ads. With Facebook ads, companies can target content and conversations for very specific job seekers to see.
Build your ads, select your budget requirements, and target people to whom these ads will be visible to. If you’re looking to hire for IT developers, you can target recent IT graduates and professionals.
They will most likely see your ad if they were targeted even if they’ve never heard or liked your company before. You can also target ads based on demographics, gender, interests, etc. The possibilities are endless. It is no doubt that Facebook has really changed the way people go about recruiting, or plainly business in general. With so many people with varied interests available on a single platform, there is really something for everyone.
Sign up on Kalibrr and start hiring better today! You can also follow us on Facebook for more business and recruiter advice.
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