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For Jobseeker

6 Career Questions and Answers That’ll Help You Grow As A Professional


Agustus 18 • 8 menit membaca

As working professionals, we have our fair share of challenges, and while we’re still starting out, we often don’t have much of a clue how to figure things out. Let’s be honest, we fail at adulting…most of the time. This is probably why we have families and mentors around so that they can shed us some glittering light, not just about our non-existent love life, but on matters that really matter—our careers.

We’ve resorted to the Kalibrr Viber Public Chat and gathered a few highly valuable questions from you guys, and the awesome responses from the business leaders themselves.

Here’s what they had to say:

1. “If someone isn’t feeling fulfilled anymore by his or her career, what are the next steps that he/she should take?” -Anonymous

Best answer from Paul Rivera, co-founder and CEO of Kalibrr:


“There are a couple ways to approach it – you could immediately quit and take a break to understand what role might give you more fulfillment and that align with your personal goals, provided you have the means to support yourself. If you don’t, then I advise you to spend the time while you’re still working speaking to people in areas you might be interested in so that you can smoothly transition into that new role.”

2. “Please share to us some interview follow-up strategies for a job seeker, and what you would appreciate to read as the recruiter?” -Dennis


Best answer from Farouk Meralli, founder and CEO of MClinica:

“I find it particularly impactful if they send a follow up note and in that include some ways where they believe they can add value to the business. We had one interviewee who followed up with a note stating that she truly enjoyed our discussion, gave it some thought and believed that she could help provide value by carrying out X, Y and Z. I gave her the job immediately. Her follow up was insightful and actionable. She is now one of our best. That attitude never left. Every day she thinks about value creation and works relentlessly to realize that value.”


3. “How do you know when to call it quits for a job?” -Anonymous

Best answer from Andy Rapista, co-founder and executive director Watson Institute Philippines:

“If the job you’re doing no longer aligns with your goals and values. But quit in a way that respects the company, your boss, and workmates. As in don’t randomly stop showing up and quit. Make sure you give at least a month’s notice and make the effort to train whomever is going to replace you. Relationships matter, so take care of and respect the people around you.”

4. “It may not necessarily be financial, but what is the best investment one can make?” -Anonymous

Best answer from David Margendorff, co-founder and chairman of PawnHero, Inc.:

Education. I hated going to school, but the first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better.

5. “What are the major qualities or values that you are looking for in an applicant?” -Anonymous

Best answer from Roxi Lim, associate product marketing manager of Kalibrr:

“Character is a big deal. Cannot hire people who aren’t humble enough to receive criticism or hungry enough to learn. Raw talent and skills are also important and you can mold them into leaders with a lot of potential to run their own companies.”


6. “In terms of companies hiring, would you say that they’re more concerned with having technical skills rather than a college degree?” -Anonymous

Best answer from Christian Besler, co-founder and vice-president of Kickstart Ventures, Inc.:

“Many employers come lately to the conclusion that a degree is not the best indicator for a person’s “skills.” Today’s workplaces and their traditional structures are immensely changed/challenged by new technologies. The latter requires skills that most universities yet don’t have in their curriculum.

Take for example digital marketing – where do you learn  the art of converting visitors to customers through digital sales channels? Answer: by doing it.

There are traditional sectors where, I’d believe we all appreciate a degree as a sort of confirmation of skills — doctors, nurses, lawyers, etc. But then, the growing digital economy is in demand for new skill sets that are obtained by just doing it rather than spending time in class rooms.

So if you feel that you can get the job done but they require you to have a certain degree, bring samples of your work, provide references, etc. Give them an appetizer.

So, next time you have doubts and concerns about your career, you can put your trust in these professionals to help you achieve your highest goals.

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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