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For Jobseeker

Kalibrr ASCENDS in the TIP General Assembly


Agustus 15 • 3 menit membaca

Last July 24, the Casal Seminar Room was the place to be for the Technological Institute of the Philippines’ (TIP) graduating class of 2018. ASCENDANCE: Asserting Dominance to Business Battle was the theme of the day as the general assembly geared its students up for another exciting year ahead.


Organized by the Department Student Council, the event opened with a heartfelt speech by Mr. Froilan S. Labausa, Dean of the College of Business Education. Speaking on the relevance of ascendance, he emphasized how it was synonymous to standing out in the crowd. He explained that students should take advantage of academic and career opportunities early on – especially since this prepared them for life after graduation. With this in mind, Abie Altez – of the Kalibrr Partnerships Team – took to the stage and introduced Kalibrr. She showed how the platform could be used as a tool, demonstrating how the opportunities mentioned by their dean could be found in it. With students listening intently, she rounded off her talk by highlighting the benefits of gainful employment: now that they were leaving their almamater, they had to make sure they got a head start while they could.

After Abie’s talk, the session proceeded to induct TIP’s new set of College of Business Education organization officers. As they lead the community in a new school year, they’ll be provided with ample opportunity to raise their concerns ensuring the student’s body greater interest and welfare. TIP Brand Ambassador and President of the Department Student Council Blessie Medrano spearheaded the event. With her help, along with Kalibrr’s Abie Altez, the partnership of the student council and the support of Dean Labausa, the assembly’s theme of ASCENDANCE took on a brand new meaning: that of rising to the challenge of finding meaningful work after college. We’re a big fan of these events. If you’re as excited as we are, be sure to catch us at your school very soon!

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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