Kalibrr x AIESEC in Indonesia Kick Off Meeting

Have you heard the news? Kalibrr is now collaborating with AIESEC in Indonesia, an organization for young people to develop and sharpen their leadership potentials. Through this partnership, Kalibrr is looking forward to connect more brilliant talent from AIESEC Indonesia with some of the best companies in the country that already worked together with us. On Monday, October 9th, Kalibrr held the first collaborative meeting with AIESEC Indonesia Member Committee at Kolega Co-Working Space, Antasari, South Jakarta. In this meeting, we were not only aligning our strategy, but also sharing knowledge about Talent Management and gave training on using Kalibrr for the organization’s recruitment process.
The meeting was opened by two AIESEC Indonesia’s alumnus that happened to be part of Kalibrr Indonesia team, Yanto Hans (Kalibrr Sr. Business Development Associate) and Mentari Cendikia (Kalibrr Jr. Business Operation Associate).
We were delighted to see the enthusiasm from the participants during Talent Management sharing session with Fikriana, our Client Success Associate. In this session, Kalibrr team also learned about how an organization like AIESEC manage their talent. Surprisingly, it’s not so different from talent management system in some well-established companies.
The same vibe sparked during user training session. “I’m so happy to be in the same room with smart and critical young people who have passion to learn new things”, said Joshua, our Client Success Consultant who also trained AIESEC members on using Kalibrr platform.
During the break, we had chance to discuss with Dio Rizki Anamia, AIESEC National VP of Talent Management, about Kalibrr x AIESEC meeting. “At the beginning, I expected this meeting will only talk about how to use Kalibrr for our recruitment process. I was surprised that Kalibrr also gave us HR 101 session about Talent Management, which provided some insights about handling talent in corporate level. Previously, I already know how to manage talent in organization, but I’m eager to learn more about talent management in some big companies. Through this meeting, I gain new insights and new ideas on growing and managing AIESEC Indonesia talent”, she said. Aside from sharing session, Whigra, AIESEC National VP of Partnership Development, also mentioned about how the user training session will be beneficial for AIESEC recruitment process. “The system and the flow is really good and I think we could implement to local level. So far, in the future, it will be very beneficial for AIESEC”, he said. We’re excited to have AIESEC as our partner and look forward to working together in the near future.
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