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For Jobseeker

Why Making Your Bed Every Morning Matters (VIDEO)


Maret 29 • 3 menit membaca

Making your bed every morning seems to be the least of our problems. For one, we’re constantly in a hurry, trying to race with time so that we won’t get late for school or work.

However, according to US Naval Admiral William McRaven, the commander of the forces that organized the raid to assassinate Osama bin Laden, making your bed is probably the best way to start your day, and evidently, be able to change the world.

During his commencement speech at the University of Texas, the advice he gave to the graduates was so simple yet powerful that it has proven to him many times over, and hopefully it’ll be the same for us too. With his three points, this is why making your bed every morning is important:

  1. You will have accomplished the first task of the day, which in turn will encourage you to do other tasks. And by the end of the day, you will have already finished many tasks.
  2. It will make you see that the little things in life matter, because when you do the little things right, you’ll also be able to do the big things right.
  3. And lastly, he pointed out that a made bed will encourage you to see that tomorrow will be better, even if you’ve had a miserable day.

“If you want to change the world, start by making your bed,” -Naval Adm. William McRavenSubscribe to our weekly newsletter and get Kalibrr Career Advice straight from your inbox! You can also follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram, or join Kalibrr’s Viber public chat for answers to your questions about your career.

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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