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Beranda>For Jobseeker > You Will Wish Your Resume Was This Amazing
For Jobseeker

You Will Wish Your Resume Was This Amazing


Mei 24 • 2 menit membaca


Name, education, work experience, skills… It’s the same old thing on just about every resume you see online. And for the jobseekers, it’s really difficult to actually get our resumes standout from the pile. Yes, you might have stumbled upon video resumes, personal letterheads, or those very intricate folding kinds that takes the recruiter through their information. On occasion, someone will show a refreshing format or creative design and for a minute or two, you would want to wish you were that creative.

But multidisciplinary designer, tech and NBA enthusiast Robby Leonardi will put all other resumes to shame. He’s created the ultimate resume and while some industries would even prefer candidates to send in classic resumes, we’re pretty sure Robby would slay in that department too.




Check out (and play) his full resume here.

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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