5 Simple New Year Resolutions That Will Change The Way You Work

It’s 15 years into the new millennium, and we say it’s finally time to change those bad work habits. Encourage more productivity, work-life balance, and career satisfaction by following (or trying to follow) these career-related New Year resolutions!
1. Do not overwork yourself!
This resolution is especially for those workaholics who seem like they were born with a keyboard attached to their hands. Being a workaholic myself, it might seem like you just need to finish your work, but let’s knock some sense into ourselves. You’re no longer in school, where being a good student means finishing your homework. Unlike homework, real work is never-ending! Learn to prioritize, manage your schedule, and put your workaholic self on hold for important events like a family birthday. Otherwise, your fondest memories will involve you, your lonely self, and stacks of paper.
2. Make sure you’re going somewhere
Know what your end goal is, and don’t just work to make money. If you want to be the next corporate CEO, are you currently in the process of getting there? Are you learning in the industry you want and getting the network you will need in the future? Keep your end goal in mind, and make sure that there is a purpose for your current career path besides paying the bills.
3. Stop getting distracted
In the dawn of the social media era, there are a million more distractions compared to ten years ago. Flipboard, Buzzfeed, 9gag, Reddit, and more are all meant to distract you! Recharge and relax your brain with humor, but try your best not to be one of these scroll-down zombies who mindlessly flip through pages and spend hours doing so.
4. Update your resume and passively look for better opportunities
No one is gonna know about you unless you put yourself out there. You’d be surprised how many recruiters are actively looking for that perfect employee! There’s no harm in looking out for a better opportunity, and the key to that is to update your resume and LinkedIn profile to make sure that your experience and skills consistently match what potential employers are looking for. If you’re feeling like you’re getting stuck in a rut at your current job, maybe this is the best option for you!
5. Set your priorities and learn how to say no
No matter how hard you try, you can’t be superwoman or superman. I know you overachievers want to believe you’re capable of doing everything, but every person has his weaknesses and strengths and you can only do so much. So admit when the work is too much. It’s better to know your limits and know when to say no rather than overpromise and not deliver. Let 2015 be your year. Move your career forward with these resolutions. They are guaranteed to improve not just your work life, but your personal life too!
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