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For Jobseeker

11 Easy Ways To Job Hunt on Twitter


Maret 27 • 7 menit membaca


Wondering about the far-reaching effects of social media? By now, as the latest batch of graduates embark on a new career, they are about to discover that social media is not just a tool to interact with friends and family members, or a place to get updates on their favorite sports teams, TV series, and artists, among other things. It has also become a viable option for job hunt efforts.

According to a 2009 poll released by US-based placement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the second-most effective tool in finding a new job is another type of networking – through the use of sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. The new graduates here in the Philippines are most probably great acquaintances with all three, as these folks belong to the age 15-24 group and appear to be the biggest consumers of information technology, according to the 2014 findings by the Demographic Research and Development Foundation (DRDF) and the University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI).

Today, let’s delve on how Twitter can be useful for job seekers. Get your pens and papers ready as speaker, author, and no-nonsense career guidance provider Hannah Morgan provides more-than-140-character tips on how to use Twitter to connect and engage with prospective employers:

1. Don’t be an egg head

The first step to giving your Twitter account a professional look and feel is by uploading an appropriate-for-job-application-and-networking profile photo. Not shedding the default egg-shaped avatar can give an amateurish impression.

2. Brand your bio

Use the 160 characters wisely for an apt description telling the Twitterverse what you have to offer. Bonus points for making your profile description SEO-friendly.

3. Leverage links

You’ve gotten them to follow you. Now where would you like potential work contacts and employment opportunities to know more about you? Feature a link to your own website, LinkedIn account, or online portfolio.

4. Tweet enticing content

When followers see your bio and latest tweets as they peruse your Twitter account, it is advisable that the tweets they will view are substantial and provide a connection to content, services, and pursuits you want to be linked to.

5. Consider a static tweet

Establishing a static tweet can act in a signature-like capacity as it stays at the top of your Twitter stream. In a nutshell, the tweet can capture your personal brand through the use of suitable and highlight-worthy material such as a blog post or an article where you served as a resource person.

6. Find and follow

Time to track down people and companies you want to be a follower of and be able to see the content they share.

7. Organize with lists

Who says lists have no use on Twitter? If you’re tracking 500 profiles made up of highly accomplished personalities and top ranking companies, group them into lists for more structured tracking.

8. Go from lurking to engaging

Retweeting someone’s tweet may make the account owner notice you, but adding your own take or opinion to the tweet and then retweeting it is better in terms of engagement and presence.

9. Diversify your tweets

Variety is the spice of life. Same goes for your tweets. Keep in mind that your followers have a bunch of varied interests so concoct a good mix of tweets. Some followers may clamor for news, blog posts, and events. Cater to their tastes consistently.

10. Tweet with gusto

The missing link to make your Twitter posts’ views go off the charts? Include an image with your tweets. Research by Buffer, a company that makes a social media management app, validates this finding.

11. Direct message with a link

Had an initial conversation with someone on Twitter? Continue your dialogue by sending a direct message with a call to action to check out your own website or portfolio. However, don’t be a spammer. Nobody likes spammers.

Become well-versed in announcing to the Twitterverse that you are more than a qualified job applicant. Doing this right and diligently could make your Twitter profile a favorite among the companies you apply for. It’s time to tweet and trend your way to an exceptional career opportunity.

Image by Andy Melton

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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