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For Jobseeker

11 Office Etiquette Lessons from Leonardo DiCaprio


Februari 26 • 3 menit membaca


Being stressed at work always gets the best of us. We could choose to blame it on short deadlines, bossy bosses, irritable customers, lazy officemates, or just the mere moments where we’re put on the spotlight. Losing your cool is easy, that’s why we need tips how to act calmly whenever we’re on the verge of losing it. And who else would be the perfect person to teach us how to achieve grace under pressure than Leonardo DiCaprio himself? That’s right. This 6 time Oscar nominee has had his fair share of stresses and pressure—and internet mockery—ever since the internet began (well, at least, recently), and just look how well he manages it.

1. When you’re told to wait in the lobby (for your interview) but then they forget about you.


2. When there’s only one slice of pizza left, but you gladly offered it to your co-worker because that’s how you roll.


3. When the company partners argue over the bill at lunch.


4. When the other guy gets the promotion instead of you.


5. When someone used your mug without your permission and didn’t wash it after.

Leonardo DiCaprio

6. When your co-worker is too lazy to think but you don’t wanna give the answer away.


7. When you don’t agree with your boss but you hold your tongue because it’s the right thing to do.


8. When you walk out from a long but productive meeting.


9. When you don’t want to risk that HR violation. #willpower


10. When you thought you’d be employee of the month.


11. But when you do…


After all that, all we can say is this guy truly deserves an Oscar. Good luck, Mr. Gatsby!

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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