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Beranda>For Employer > Personality, Not Skill, Is Top Quality For Hires (INFOGRAPHIC)
For Employer

Personality, Not Skill, Is Top Quality For Hires (INFOGRAPHIC)


Agustus 29 • 2 menit membaca

What makes a business or a company successful? You probably have a lot of thoughts running through your head right now, and I won’t argue with you on that. But have you thought about your employees being the key players that would drive success into your business?

While employers would want to hire the candidate with exemplary skills, 500 professionals who were polled thought otherwise.

In a study conducted by digital education provider Hyper Island, results showed that personality (78%) is a top determining factor for employers to hire an individual, followed by cultural alignment (53%), and voted skills (39%) as the last.

“What we found most compelling about this research is how clearly it highlights that personality, not competence, is the determining factor of who’s going to get the most attractive jobs among tomorrow’s recruits,” said Hyper Island CEO Johanna Frelin in a statement.

“There is also growing desire for talent with a unique combination of skill and flexibility—people who can collaborate, adapt quickly and are enjoyable in a company, but also have the drive to get things done.”

In a similar study, but this time with students and workers, Stanford University psychology professor Carol Dweck confirmed that the attitude and performance of an individual is indeed a better predictor of a person and a company’s success.

Check the infographic below to know which qualities recruiters should look out for the next time they hire their next talent.


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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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