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For Jobseeker

This is What DLSU Seniors Dream of Doing After Graduation


Februari 01 • 9 menit membaca

Graduation season is about to commence and with a mixed wave of millennials and Generation Z about to enter the workforce, you can bet that these new kids on the block will mix things up in interesting ways. As the first batch of the class of 2016, we asked the DLSU seniors about their dream jobs and how going to college changed their plans for the future. Just a few more weeks, class of 2016, I can already hear the graduation march.

When you were a freshman, what work were you imagining for yourself?

“I imagine myself running a plant whether it might be in a food or petroleum industry. Because both are equally interesting to me. Especially the part where production happens which makes the raw material into finished products that are sold in the market.” –Kim

“Something related to my course industrial engineering. Most likely a position in the supply chain team of an FMCG company.” –V “As a little girl until my first year in the university, I had the same dream. I always knew that I wanted to work in a law firm. I imagined myself being the kikay lawyer in a dead-serious law firm.” –Kristine “Nothing specific, but something intellectually stimulating.” –Yam “As unrealistic as it sounds, I wanted to have my own business after college.” –KeanuI wanted to go to law school. Environmental law is something I’m passionate about and I thought that a background in philosophy would help me.” –Alexi

Has that vision for yourself changed?

“I never thought that it would happen but yes, it did change. It was not until I was starting to take my majors already in my pre law course that I suddenly realized that it’s not “the one”. My dreams of working in a law firm later became dreams of working at one of the biggest businesses in the country. I then realized what I really wanted to do and become as a person.” –Marketing Management

“Yes. Midway through my stay in DLSU, I drifted away from communications and developed an interest in electronics. My favorite projects involved building circuits that produced tangible results. A visit to a Lexmark testing laboratory fueled that interest.” –Electronics EngineeringA little bit. I’m still interested in law but the experience of finishing college has widened my options for work and how I can contribute.” –Philosophy “Filipinos are selfish, we only wanna be successful for ourselves and our own families. We never sincerely work for the improvement of our country, yet we complain about its condition. For this to improve, we must be selfish in a different way. We must want our country to improve, so that we ourselves can live in a country we are comfortable and satisfied with. This is real selfishness, and it is something I think La Sallians lack.” –Industrial Engineering “Yes. I realized that it was a lot more difficult than I thought. Ultimately my mindset shifted to getting a good fulfilling job in the corporate world after college, and hopefully becoming an entrepreneur somewhere along the way.” –Entrepreneurship

Now that you’re graduating and on the cusp of the “real world”, what would your dream job be?

“Owning our family business and managing it without stress as it is prosperous on its own.” –V

“Engineer because it is really fulfilling to see how you can change the world for the better.” –Dale “Now that my journey to the real world is about to start, I can’t help but feel anxious and excited. To be honest, my dream job is to become someone like my mom. Don’t get me wrong, I have years ahead of me before that happens. But I mean, I dream of working for my dream company and still having a good balance of family, work and prayer. I dream of being stable enough to sustain my lifestyle and hopefully be able to pay my parents back for all the sacrifices and hardships they have gone through just for me.” –KristineNow I’m interested in social work and counseling.

If I go into those fields, I feel like I can really contribute something to Filipino society.” –Alexi “I want to get into a job involving marketing or sales. The experience of marketing products out to masses is something that interests me.” –Keanu “An engineer for a semiconductor company or a commercial electronics company. I absolutely enjoy working with electronics devices as well as fixing and improving them. My stay in DLSU helped me realize that passion.” –Tyler “I want to head a Filipino video game development or corporate software development company. Because I believe that software development is the future of industry, and our country needs to improve in this area. We also need more industries which bring value into the country (manufacturing, tourism, software) instead of those which only move value within the country (real-estate, mall, retail, restaurant).” –Yam

If you could summarize the DLSU experience in three words, what would they be?

“Hassle. Experiential. Great.” “Surreal. Grateful. Challenging.” “Best. Rollercoaster. Ever.” “Life-changing. Fun. Unforgettable ” “Nothing can compare.” “Launchpad to life.”

Animo La Salle and congratulations, class of 2016!

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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