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Beranda>For Jobseeker > Where Pinoys Want to Work in 2015
For Jobseeker

Where Pinoys Want to Work in 2015


Juli 03 • 4 menit membaca

Off the top of your head, what makes an organization a great place to work for? Do you have any company in mind that fits the description to a T?

Online job site JobStreet weighs in with the answers, with its recently released 2015 Top Companies Report. For the second straight year, San Miguel Corporation (SMC) and Nestle Philippines ranked first and second, respectively, in the list of most aspired companies. The complete list of where Pinoys want to work featured a mix of local and multinational companies:

  1. San Miguel Corporation
  2. Nestle Philippines
  3. Accenture
  4. Shell Philippines
  5. Procter & Gamble
  6. SM Investments
  7. ABS-CBN
  8. Banco de Oro
  9. Coca-Cola FEMSA
  10. Unilever

According to JobStreet’s survey, five factors highlight why job applicants sought to work for the above-mentioned companies:

  1. Benefits and incentives – Most popular consideration for most position levels
  2. Salary/compensation
  3. Learning and development – Primary consideration for fresh   graduates
  4. Company reputation – Highest position levels(i.e. directors,  vice presidents, and CEOs) say this   factor is as important as the previous three mentioned.
  5. Work environment and culture

What’s interesting to note is that the respondent’s stage of his/her career played an important role in determining the employee’s “top factor” when applying for a company.

The survey also shares the following findings:

  • Aside from learning and development, fresh graduates also consider benefits and incentives, and salary/compensation as the next important considerations.
  • Benefits, salary, and training and development programs are the three most important reasons for a company’s desirability for younger employees.

As an applicant, how can you use  information from JobStreet’s survey to your advantage?

Taking this information to heart can give you an understanding of what makes a company a wonderful place to work for. These findings can serve as a handy guide when checking out new job opportunities. It also gives a chance to evaluate whether your current company can provide these important things to the degree of your liking.

But keep in mind that as an employee or as an applicant, a win-win scenario. Striving to be the best employee you can be is also an important ingredient in making a company great.

What other factors make a company an aspired option to work with? At this stage of your career, what would be your utmost priority from the five determining factors mentioned above? Any plans of applying for these companies? We would love to hear from you through the comments section below.

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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