12 Things You’re Wishing For At Work This Christmas

“Jingle bells, office elves, I’m stuck at work all day.”
Whether you’re at home or at work for the holidays, a merry, merry Christmas to all! It’s the season of giving and while we don’t really get to choose what we’re given there’s no harm in hoping. And we hope that you’ve been nice this year so that maybe, just maybe, Santa will grant your wishes. Here’s our Christmas wish list this year:
1. Faster internet at the office
2. Surprise promotion/raise in your Christmas stocking
3. Free parking/parking slot magically opens up #ChristmasMiracle
4. New year, new office furniture!
5. Office crush texts “Happy Holidays!” & it is indeed, a happy holiday.
6. Office Lunch Level: Noche Buena
7. Christmas bonus > Christmas shopping bill
8. Boss: “Surprise! There’s no work today.”
9. Sealing that deal
10. The Yuletide force is strong. Secret Santa got it right.
11. No holiday weight gain
12. New employee is bae. (It’s looking like a happy new year too.)
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