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5 Healthy Juice Joints in Manila


October 22 • 10 min read

Trying to commit to a healthy lifestyle is a bit of a struggle, specially if you lack the accessibility of healthy food choices around your office area. Another reason is maybe you’re not the fruits and vegetable kind of eater. Here’s a solution: try juicing. Juicing has taken off in a supersize way in metro Manila as an avenue for weight loss and wellness. Even big-time Filipina celebrities like Anne Curtis have joined the bandwagon.

But let’s set the record straight—purely liquid diets aren’t necessarily the most sustainable weight-loss methods. There is no substitute for fibre-containing, soul-replenishing solid food. In fact, many juices lack the necessary proteins and fibers—both of which are crucial to feeling satisfied and consequently losing weight.


Don’t kid yourself either–selecting the the appropriate juice is absolutely crucial for wellness since certain blends are loaded with sugar making them no better than liquid candy. Sometimes it might be even better to simply eat the fruit, rather than juice it.

However, juices are a quick, fun and delicious way for busy bods to add more veggies and fruits that they wouldn’t normally eat (like wheatgrass) to their diet and can also kickstart weight loss.


If you want to give this a try, here are five healthy juice joints in Manila that health blog Health Begins With Her recommends.

Juju Cleanse

Contact Number: 0917 576 3012 Email: As the juicing arm of salad chain, Juju Eats—the five-year old Juju Cleanse is probably the best-known juicing program in Metro Manila. Perhaps what makes Juju Cleanse stand out is that the brand embraces the green lifestyle in its entirety – from using organic produce directly from local farmers to the usage of glass and cotton packaging. Juju Cleanse offers cold-pressed freshly made juices which are delivered daily to your doorstep for a specified number of days.

The best-selling vegetable juices are the Green Bomb (celery, cucumber, malunggay, pineapple, romaine lettuce, spinach) and Red Giant, (beets, carrots, ginger, pineapple ), while the most popular cirtrus juices are Alkazest (coconut water, grapefruit, pineapple) and Spicy Limonada (cayenne pepper, honey, lemon). These tasty elixirs are made using 100% pure vegetable and fruit, without any water, sweeteners or preservatives added to their blends. That means – juices should be consumed within 2-3 days of purchase. Dosage: Cleansing kits tailored to your specific needs are available on their website. All kits are composed of six (6) 500-ml bottles.


Juice Hut

Contact Number: 0917 572 5855 Email: Juice Hut is the brainchild of busy mother-of-four, Mia Sison.  After feeling frequently dehydrated and noticing that her breastmilk supplies were dwindling, she turned to juicing to help kickstart her journey to sustainable wellness. Fast forward a couple of years, and Sison now offers fresh, cold-pressed juices to clients as well. “I have personally been juicing through my pregnancy and breastfeeding stages, and the effects are amazing. I do get tired like most moms but I am almost sick-free. And I am never worried about my milk supply,” Mia shared on the company’s Facebook page. Juice Hut has recently released new nutty bliss flavors to their array of beverages with the help of superstar mommy blogger Martine de Luna. Their products include pure blends (e.g. Fresh Start Orange Blend, Strawberry Delight Red Blend), almond milks, and juice combinations among others. Juice Kits: They have cleanse kits, and special juice bundles available on their website.


Detoxify Bar

Contact Number: (02) 942 7105 or 0916 289 2132 Email: Detoxify Bar is one of the go-to juice bars of the country’s celebrities. With its flagship branch in Eastwood, the juice joint was formed by husband and wife duo Paul & Joy Torres after they tried to help their son increase his vegetable intake due to a heart condition. At Detoxify Bar, juices are freshly made in front of the customer after an order is placed using organic fruits and veggies.  Like Juju Eats, Detoxify Bar also has some clean eats on their menu including salads, wraps, and  “Recovery Bowls.” They’re mostly known for their six different detox juices (Green/Red/Orange Vegan, Lemon, Mint Berry, and Gold Detox) also have a special Indulgence Series wherein they offer flavors such as cinnamon nutmilk, papaya, or chocolate from carob pods. Detoxify Bar has found success in Manila having expanded to its second location via a swanky new branch in Fort Bonifacio last year. Juice Kits: Recommended five bottles per day depending on your schedule of activities, with two cups of tea. They have several juicing kits available on their website.


Contact Number: 0917 897 2108 Email: Spruce is a premium juice brand which offers a rainbow colored array of cold-pressed juices made on a daily basis using Norwalk hydraulic juicers. These juicers reportedly retain the nutritional profile of the juice for up to three days. Spruce prides itself in being extremely meticulous in selecting the best ingredients that will keep their juices top-notch. “We’re keen and detail-oriented. We will import single-use powder-free non-latex anti-microbial food-preparation gloves and organic hazelnuts if that’s what it takes to keep Spruce perfect,”according to Spruce’s website. Juice options include the Secret Formula (almond nut, raw cacao, coconut nectar), Mean Green Machine (carrot, celery, spinach, parsley), Beta-Max (purely carrots), and Apple Of My Eye (apple, lemon). Spruce Juices are also available at Yardstick Coffee and Hole in the Wall at Century City Mall. Juice Kits: Cleansing kits can be available upon request through their contact details. 


The Juice Barista

Contact Number: 0917 795 8995 Email: Perhaps the most exotic & daring juice-maker from the lot  is Juice Barista. With exotic flavors like the Gourd of Louis–which contains ampalaya and dalandan to smoothies that contain nutmeg and cinnamon – the duo behing the brand sure know how inject some adventure fun into their blends The all-lady duo behind Juice Barista started their business due to an inclination for pursuing a venture related to health and wellness. Juice Kits: They have detox kits upon request, but offer a sizing variety when it comes to their juices: 250-ml, 350-ml, and 500-ml. 

This article was originally published on Health Begins With Her, and was written by RJ Dancel.

RJ Dancel is a writer at Health Begins With Her, a web magazine for Filipinas looking to lead a healthy lifestyle through organic beauty, nutrition, fitness and tech. RJ is also learning about the rewarding journey that is motherhood as she has recently given birth to beautiful baby boy.

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About The Writer

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. More about Karina

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