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5 Asia Pacific College Courses to Help Build Your IT Career


April 26 • 6 min read

From the giant desktops of the 1980’s to the sleek iPads of today, the world of technology is always moving forward and upward. It follows that to be a fully capable member of today’s information technology (I.T.) workforce, you’re going to need to be well-equipped with the tools and skills for the ever-changing landscape of the tech world. If you’re looking to nail those tools and skills down, the Asia Pacific College (APC) in Manila is worth taking a second look at. Established by IBM Philippines and the SM foundation in 1991, APC is one of the Philippines’ four centers of excellence for I.T. As they send off a new batch of college graduates for the year, another set of fresh faces is set to enter their doors. Whether you’re a freshman or whether you’re already working and want to change courses, would APC be a good fit for you too? Kalibrr lists down the courses that make APC the perfect school for those who want to face the technology head on.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

You can’t describe APC without mentioning Information Technology. The college was created for the sole purpose of offering this course. During the 1980’s IBM, the leading IT supplier in the Philippines at the time, found a need for a group of highly trained I.T. professionals. In collaboration with the SM foundation, they built APC. Though they’ve branched out to a diversity of courses, I.T. is still the school’s specialty. Built on a visible lean towards practical experience, APC enforces a rigorous internship program that not only teaches, but molds its students to become better professionals for the future.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Computer technology is a field that almost demands specialization. APC’s Computer Science course has various tracks that will help you become an expert. Firstly, the Software Systems track, which trains students to maintain and manage system integrity. Next is Computer Networks, a track directed to more application-oriented computing, network planning and data operations. Finally, Security and Digital Forensics tackles topics from operating systems security to hardware network protocols. Although all are of varying areas of computer technology, the quality of the education is consistent.

Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

This course on electronics engineering yields competent engineers for future careers in broadcast communication, telecommunication, manufacturing and more. It’s a five year course and the years and effort you put in will ensure that you are equipped to be a master in your field.

Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts

Evolving technology means evolving ways to tell stories. The realm of multimedia has always overlapped with technology, thus a Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia Arts where technology and design come full circle . Here you’ll be trained in computer graphics, 2D and 3D imaging, video production and even game authoring.

Masters in Information Systems, Information Technology

For the new graduates, APC offers you continuing education. Just because you’re employed and experienced doesn’t mean there’s nothing new for you to learn. APC offers a Masters in Information Systems where you’ll learn to enhance system planning, implementation and integration, and project management. The course is designed to make you remodel and rethink organizational efficiency. The Masters in Information Technology is targeted towards refining the skills you’ve gained from the undergraduate studies. Allowing the students to become more strategic and more competent in their approaches to the use of I.T., the program will ensure that all students become competent in applying multidisciplinary approaches to IT.

Take your I.T. career into your own hands. For sure, it’s never too late to learn something new, and it’s never a waste of your time.

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About The Writer

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. More about Karina

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