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For Jobseeker

How to Juggle Multiple Jobs and Win


Juni 15 • 8 menit membaca

The working population will readily admit that finding one job is hard enough and that juggling multiple jobs is unimaginable. While working more than one job became a necessity in order to pay bills, it’s also becoming a career for many people. Known as a portfolio career, mixing and matching multiple part-time and freelance gigs allow people hold on to a fair amount of their time and freedom. Portfolio careers and job jugglers also get to put their passions into practice because they often take one job that earns the major bank signs and another (or two) that utilize a craft, hobby, or interest of theirs. Whether you are a multiple jobs juggler by necessity or choice, time and priority management is paramount. With the amount of sleep or downtime that you get, here’s how to juggle multiple jobs and win.

1. Organize, organize, organize

First and foremost, you need to get your priorities straight and decide which job is at the top of the list. Is it your passion gig? The money maker? Remember that because you are splitting your time and effort between two or more jobs, you can’t give your 100% to all of them even if you’d like to. Organizing from the top down will help when you need the organization to trickle down to smaller tasks and micro-juggling. Before you go to bed each night, review your schedule for the next day so that you aren’t surprised by any meetings that you forgot about amidst all the hustling.

2. Learn to say no

No matter how important they seem, you aren’t required to attend every company gathering or event. So that your occasional absence doesn’t raise concern, make sure that your manager/team (if you have one) knows of your situation. It’s much simpler to balance your calendar when the people involved are aware of the calendar you’re working with. No matter what or where your starting point is as a job juggler, your plate will be full and while it seems like you are disappointing someone, you’re really not so try practicing your “no” skills every once in a while.

3. Make time to do nothing

Your friends and family will be the first to understand your lack of a social life but even if this is the case, make time to not work every once in a while. Even if you only have one free hour every week to just sit at home and and spend that speck of time with those closest to you, it counts for a lot. The downtime, no matter how short, will also give you a chance to recharge.

4. Technology is your friend

While the bullet journal has proven that pen and paper are not dead, technology is there to help you. Job jugglers often balance one full-time job and some part-time and freelance sidelines, or a collection of part-time gigs. Linking your work email(s) and communication systems on your phone will allow you to stay on the go. Having a synced Google calendar is half the organization battle already. If you have back to back meetings across town, don’t forget that Skype still exists. Technology is a friend, not foe.

5. Not everyone is on the same clock

As long as you are job juggling, time will go faster for you and everyone else will think that you are constantly stressed and in a hurry. This also means that, to you, everyone else will seem so slow and joint deliverables will appear to take an eternity to finish. Again, this is managing expectations with involved parties. Acknowledge that the fast-track is your schedule and not everyone else’s, so you need to be proactive in finding solutions because the rest of the office will not adjust for you. Volunteer to do your parts first so that you don’t waste time waiting for the ball to be passed.

6. Schedule a vacation

This is not optional. Companies and organizations have leave allowances for a reason and if you think not using them will buy you more time to get the project for your second job done, you’re wrong. Overworking yourself might also diminish the quality of the project simply because you are too burned out to breathe. Making time to do nothing is like a power nap, scheduling a vacation every now and then is a battery change. You will feel like you’re cheating and creating backlog, trust me, you’re not and you’re welcome.

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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