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Beranda>For Jobseeker > Kali-dulthood 101: How to Navigate the Corporate World as a Fresh Graduate
For Jobseeker

Kali-dulthood 101: How to Navigate the Corporate World as a Fresh Graduate


April 22 • 14 menit membaca

During the months of March to June, fresh graduates are faced with two parallel situations: the beginning of a new chapter and the end of an old life. This inevitable change of ending their student journey and embarking into the corporate world is the start of either an exciting adventure or a terrifying nightmare for fresh graduates.

Whatever the case, transitioning into the real world is a huge step, and new graduates can undoubtedly use a guidebook.


Luckily for you, Kalibrr is here to save the day! Coming from professionals with their own experiences in the job industry, we present to you the first article of our Kali-dulthood 101 Series! Kali-dulthood 101 is a collection of career advice that’s been tried, tested, and applied in the corporate world for fresh graduates to learn from! Ranging from tips on how to dress smartly for your first post-pandemic job interview to what really matters after college, Kali-dulthood 101 will be helpful literature to turn to in times of doubt and worry.

As you prepare for life beyond academic papers and grades, you have to know the few essential tips and reminders to guide you in your path towards job-searching and employment:

1. It’s okay not to be sure yet.

If you’re unsure of what to do next after college, it’s okay! You have time to figure things out as you decide your next steps. No one requires you to have it all figured out after graduation immediately. Take your time, and use the time to get to know yourself better!

After getting your degree, this quiet period is the perfect time for you to reflect on your life’s goals and dreams. The world is your oyster! You can rest, catch up on some reading, and achieve some of the things you were too busy to do during school! Moreover, you can also use this time to consider your options carefully regarding your career and job.

Why not try browsing through Kalibrr’s job board to see what job description and industry catch your eye? Kalibrr is an engaging and easy-to-use platform that actually gives you valuable insights into different industries. You can choose from an array of exciting job functions, and you get to choose what job level and employment type you would like to apply for. It’s a job platform that accommodates your own pacing so it’s really a great tool to guide you through your career alignment!

All in all, the most important thing to remember is don’t be pressured. Organize your plans. The corporate world will be ready for you when you’re finally ready for it- and when you are, you’ll do great.

2. No experience? No problem.

One of the biggest problems that fresh graduates are worried about is their resume’s experience, specifically the lack of it. Well, calm your worries because companies are more lenient than you think when it comes to fresh graduates with no experience. Of course, it does not apply to every company, but the right one will invest in you and your skills and mold you to be the best employee you can be.

While it is tough to compete with other candidates with experience already, do not be fazed. Instead, tailor your resume to highlight your best skills, educational attainment, and academic awards and achievements. You can also make up for the lack of experience by linking a portfolio of your work (blogs, graphic design materials, artworks) and other projects you have accomplished, even as a student.

A sample of a general resume

You can do this by doing a hierarchy on your resume. Put your career objective on top, technical and soft skills next, pre-professional experiences (if any), then educational attainment. Of course, do not forget to also put in your contact details. You can even link your professional social media, making you stand out as a candidate.


A sample of an industry-specific resume

READ: How to craft your social media as an extension of your resume

3. Practice writing the perfect cover letter

Applying for a job is like courting. The end goal is the same, which is to establish a relationship. In this case, the objective is a relationship between you and the company as employee-employer. It is only fitting that in attaining that sweet and accepting YES from a company, you write them a love letter, which is your cover letter.

A cover letter is your first point of contact with recruiters. First impressions last, so make sure to make it count! Cover letters are a way of making your application personalized to the company so they can see how you are indeed the right person for the job. So, how do you do it?

First off, upon first viewing the job post, do your research about the company: who their contact person is, their mission and vision, the work they do, and how their work impacts people. These are all crucial elements you can use to make your letter substantial.

After your research, you can start drafting a letter addressed to the identified contact person of the company. Then, you can introduce yourself, how you came upon the job, and why you’re interested in applying. It is important to remember that your cover letter is not a repetition of your resume- instead, it is a supplementation that goes beyond listing your qualifications. Rather than what your qualifications are, your cover letter focuses on the why:

  • Why you’re qualified.
  • Why you want the job.
  • Why you believe in the company’s brand.

Just remember to keep it brief and straightforward. One page will do! Furthermore, do not create just one universal cover letter for all job applications. Each job and company is unique- make sure to create a completely relevant one tailored to the company you’re applying for.


DOWNLOAD: Kalibrr Cover Letter Templates


4. Conduct self-to-self interviews.

Once you have an initial successful application, the next step would be the interview process. If you piqued the company’s interest, they would contact you for an interview. An interview is a way for companies to get to know you, your personality, and your communication skills. After all, a great candidate does not only sound good on paper but also in person.

If you’re nervous about speaking, conducting self-interviews in the mirror is a great way to practice before your first official interview! You can search the net for the most common questions asked during an interview. Speaking to yourself about yourself is the best to practice your answers and even your verbal skills. After all, you are most comfortable with yourself!


READ: 5 Common Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them


You can do this by looking into the mirror. Not only do you practice making eye contact and improving your speech fluency and diction, but you are also instilling confidence as you get used to answering questions about yourself in the most authentic and appealing ways. When the day comes for your actual interview, you’re pumped and ready to market yourself! It will also be an excellent opportunity for you to know the company more, so be prepared and learn from the interview process.


5. Jump in, enjoy the ride, and learn from it.

Adulting is a scary thing- more so is the prospect of going into the corporate world. Just enjoy the process and don’t be afraid to explore, make mistakes, achieve, and learn. The truth of it is that you will learn more about yourself and what you’re capable of through your failures rather than your success. Don’t worry. Your life is still ahead of you, and this is your shot, don’t be afraid to take it.

In your journey towards building your career and professional life, why not include Kalibrr as your guide every step of the way? Change is indeed inevitable in this world, but one thing will always be constant, and that is Kalibrr’s goal of bridging the gap between companies and job seekers. Here in Kalibrr, the jobs find you.


Kalibrr is a recruitment technology company that aims to transform how candidates find jobs and how companies hire talent. Placing the candidate experience at the center of everything it does, we continue to attract the best talent from all over, with more than 5.5 million professionals and counting. Kalibrr ultimately connects these talents to companies in search of their next generation of leaders.

The only end-to-end recruitment solutions provider in Southeast Asia, Kalibrr is headquartered in Makati, Philippines, with offices in San Francisco, California, and Jakarta, Indonesia. Established in 2012, it has served over 18,000 clients and is backed by some of the world’s most powerful start-up incubators and venture capitalists. These include Y Combinator, Omidyar Network, Patamar Capital, Wavemaker Partners, and Kickstart Ventures.

For more tips on acing job interviews, follow Kalibrr on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Tiktok.

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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