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For Employer

15 Unconventional Interview Questions to Ask as a First-Time Recruiter!


Februari 01 • 12 menit membaca

Knowing that you have a scheduled interview is not only a nerve-wracking experience felt for the interviewee, a.k.a job seekers, but also for the interviewer, especially when it is their first time conducting it (we feel you, Recruiter!). If you are here, you must be wondering and looking for solutions to prepare yourself before D-day. One of your concerns could be, “what are some atypical questions to ask the interviewee?” It is entirely understandable to inquire about these things since a recruiter’s task is to find the best candidate who possesses outstanding skills, attitude, and a good culture fit (or, add!) to your company.

After narrowing down the talent pool from applications screening, recruiters will start the assessment process; interview. It is ­critical to have the right set of interview questions to uncover candidates’ true color, which means every question should serve a purpose that will help the recruiters make better, informed hiring decisions later on.

Here we provide you with a cheat sheet of 15 uncommon interview questions that will make your first-time recruitment momentous and help you to reveal the best candidates. ­

1.     Describe your ideal workspace.

Asking an open-ended question makes the conversation flow easier since it is a two-way interaction. From the candidates’ responses, you can see if their ideal environment would match your office’s.

2.     What motivates you?

This question aims to discover what candidates want and are excited about, whether it is a challenge, a sense of belonging, or other things. You can also ask a follow-up question to dig deeper into the candidate’s personality.

3.     What did you do to prepare for this meeting today?

Asking this question will let you know their working habits and what they will do in preparation for a project, whether they are structured and forward-thinking, or rather untidy and more like a go-with-the-flow type of person.

4.     Name a work accomplishment that makes you proud.

Besides giving the candidates a chance to showcase their strong qualities, asking this question will help you study the work they previously achieved and are thrilled about.

5.     What are some weak points you can work on?

Admitting a weakness to someone we barely know is a sign of strength. Pay attention to how the candidates are willing to improve on things they deem a ‘weakness’. The answer will also give you an idea of whether the candidate can self-evaluate and self-reflect.

6.     When conflict arises at work, how do you handle it?

Their answers will give you an idea about their skills (such as negotiating and leadership) and personality when faced with problems in a professional setting and how it affects their work.

7.     Tell me about a new skill you had to learn for your job. What was your learning process, and what was the end result?

Some candidates see the learning process as an uncomfortable journey, and some see the other way. It depends on your current company needs, but many employers now are looking for candidates that are willing to make room for learning and developing themselves.

8.   Every department gets overwhelmed from time to time. Tell me about a time that you were unable to meet deadlines. What did you do about it?

This question opens room for a candidate’s vulnerability as they share their professional failure. But at the same time, this also serves a first-timer recruiter an opportunity to listen closely while looking for signs of acceptance or refusal in carrying responsibility. A good answer from candidates will give you an idea of how they work on alternatives to overcome their problems.

9. How do you maintain self-motivation when you experience a setback on the way to achieving your goal? How do you do it?

10.  At times, you may be asked to do many things at once. Tell me how you would decide what is most important and why.

Questions number 9 and 10 are meant to pick their interest and motivation regarding work, as well as their skill in time management and decision-making.

11.  How do you define hard work at the workplace?

The best answer to this question differs between industries. If the candidate found working in a chill and unruffled workplace to be more pleasing and convenient, then they may not be a good fit for a fast-moving organization.

12.  Why do you plan on leaving your current employer?

Candidates’ attitudes toward their employer will be displayed by answering this specific question. Are they respecting their current/last managers? Will they treat their colleagues and employers in your organization the same way?

13.  What personal and professional goals have you set for your life?

Their answer will give you a clue whether they are a persistent, goal-oriented, focused person or someone who will take anything that’s served in front of them.

14.  Have you had any interviews lately?

Do you feel like the interview is going great and flowy? Take your shot to know whether you would have other competitors waiting for this candidate or not. By poking out this query, you will get a better timeline on how quickly you should act and make decisions to recruit them.

15.  Do you have any questions to ask?

Substantial, yet many recruiters forget this last piece of question during an interview. By asking this question, you can glimpse their willingness to be a part of your company. The ones who show a genuine interest will ask informative and engaging questions that will make the interview more of a two-way conversation.

This blog serves as your quick cheat sheet for interview questions. You may adjust them by adding inquiries related to your industry or modifying the points with the candidates’ information in their CV or resume.

Interviewing candidates for the first time can be overwhelming. A gentle reminder that not every interview process will be a masterpiece. Just take a deep breath and do not forget to show your friendly, humane side.

Oh, and also, to make your recruitment process feel a lot easier, you may want to consider using an AI-integrated recruitment system that will let you focus more on knowing your candidates more and building a strong relationship with them. Book your free demo by clicking here.

This article refers to The Daniel Group, Apollo Technical, Inc., and Coburg Banks.

Kalibrr is a recruitment technology company that aims to transform how candidates find jobs and how companies hire talent. Placing the candidate experience at the center of everything it does, we continue to attract the best talent from all over, with more than 5.5 million professionals and counting. Kalibrr ultimately connects these talents to companies in search of their next generation of leaders.

The only end-to-end recruitment solutions provider in Southeast Asia, Kalibrr is headquartered in Makati, Philippines, with offices in San Francisco, California, and Jakarta, Indonesia. Established in 2012, it has served over 18,000 clients and is backed by some of the world’s most powerful start-up incubators and venture capitalists. These include Y Combinator, Omidyar Network, Patamar Capital, Wavemaker Partners, and Kickstart Ventures. For more business and recruiter advice, follow Kalibrr on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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