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Beranda>For Employer > What Is Your Recruiter Super Power? (QUIZ)
For Employer

What Is Your Recruiter Super Power? (QUIZ)


Maret 18 • 1 menit membaca

Having super powers are cool, but being a hero is even better. And recruiters, in some way or another, have both. When it comes to recruiting, some recruiters are faster than a speeding bullet building their candidate pool.

The others’ powers, however, are stronger when it comes to assessing candidates. And some are great at leaping over a competition with a single blow and close the best ones. So, who are you?

What is your super power? That aspect of recruiting that you are truly talented at? We’ve built a quiz to let you discover your strengths as a recruiter, as well as your super hero name would be.

Sign up on Kalibrr and start hiring better today! You can also follow us on Facebook for more business and recruiter advice.

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Tentang Penulis

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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