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For Jobseeker

Who Will Your Employees Marry?


Mei 28 • 2 menit membaca


It’s an ever interesting point of conversation to hypothesize about who we’re going to end up marrying one day. Single people love to guess and theorize, and those in relationships can’t help but wonder still. For recruiters and managers, it’s not the most probable scenario but it’s good HR fun to be on the look out for who your employees (or you) could end up with.

That said, Bloomberg has put together probably the most interesting chart you’ll see today.

No formula for a person’s geographic or circumstantial odds of getting married, they went with jobs. The data is compiled into an interactive chart about which industries or professions tend to cross and tie the knot. To make things even more interesting, they’ve included a gender dimension, inter-job marriages, and frequency counters to the chart as well.




Now you can anticipate  and manage the office relations on a whole new level. From truck drivers to designers, the chart has just about every profession. From HR managers…



to interviewers…



You can track HR assistants…



… and your bookkeepers.



Keep an eye on your secretaries…



… and the rest of the HR department.



You can find the full (and interactive) inter-job marrying chart here.

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Tag: Bookkeeper

Tentang Penulis

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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