4 Ways to Motivate Your Employees After the Holidays
Waking up at 6AM on the day after a long holiday is one of the worst feelings in the world, and most of us would agree to this. You may find your employees feeling the same (did they get diarrhea right after New Year?). The post-holiday dip is a common phenomenon in all workplaces, and it usually takes people a few days to get over the holiday blues and get back to their pace.
As a manager, it’s part of your job to get things going by jumpstarting your employees’ motivation and start the year with record-breaking productivity. Here’s how to do it:
1. Get some team time
The reason behind post-holiday blues is the thought that all the fun has passed, and what lies in the future is nothing but the dutiful suffering. To get pass this, let your employees realize that the office is also a place of fun and social interaction.
Take baby steps here. Don’t just let your team sit behind their computers and ask them to start working, instead, have a catch-up with them over coffee or snacks and talk about how their holidays were and the plans coming up ahead.
2. Mention the good points of getting back to work
If you set your mind into it, you can find plenty of positive things about getting back to work. Having a team meeting is one; another is mentioning and making an impact on a certain project, or possible future plans.
So mention the points where you feel like it’s going to excite you and your team to get back into full productivity mode. A little enthusiasm will go a long way!
3. Remind them of the greater purpose
When your employees left for holidays they left their work stresses behind as well. When they come back, these stresses will be the first coming into their minds. So what they need to hear after a long break is how their work is part of a greater purpose. Ask your employees to think about what they want to reach in the coming weeks, months, and year. Setting their own goals will make them feel that their work is less like a task and more like a quest.
4. Set the right example and take the lead
Motivation is infectious. If you put yourself on the frontline and show the world that you’re hustling hard, for sure your employees will take notice and follow your lead.
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