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16 Confessions From Newbies on Their First Day at Work


October 30 • 5 min read


It’s the first day of work, and your excitement level is as high as a cat playing with her ball of yarn. Everything is going great so far, until your supervisor asks you to give these documents over to Earl. You do the task, but for a moment there, you forgot who Earl was–a person you just met 10 minutes ago.  can be quite an adjustment. Believe me, I’ve had four. No matter how hard you try to fit in with the office barkada, it just doesn’t seem to feel right yet. And sometimes it could get really awkward. Have you ever thought about sharing how you truly feel about your first days of work, but can’t because, well, it’s too embarrassing to tell? So we asked a bunch of people to share some office confessions back when they were still the newest kid on the block, and let’s see how many of these have actually crossed our minds when it was us on the hot seat.


1. “I’ve agreed to do a lot of things and a lot of responsibilities, but mostly I’m just winging it.” —A.


2. “I said yes because of the free beer.” —F.


3. “I called everyone miss or sir for the first few weeks because I forgot their names.” —K.


4. “In a car: my coworker was singing (with feelings) a song on the radio, and I couldn’t tell her she was singing the lyrics wrong because I was still new.” —B.


5. “I pretended to read the office handbook in the office even though I’ve already read it before, just so my boss would go easy on me on the first day.” —D.confessions-from-newbies-on-their-first-day-at-work

6. “WTF did I get myself into! This wasn’t in my job description.” —J.


7. “I searched my coworkers names in Facebook from our office directory so I’ll recognize their faces.” —D.


8. “During my final interview, I met with the boss for the first time, and my initial thought was, ‘Oh hey, he’s tall and… is he gay?'” —J.


9. “So, unlimited Facebook, eh?” —D.


10. “Hot damn. That Angelo guy from accounting looks so cute!” —J.


11. “My supervisor saw me step out from the ladies comfort room. I’m a man. Walk of shame!” —C.


12. “I am overwhelmed.” —R.


13. “In a meeting, I had a brilliant idea but was afraid to talk. So I just kept nodding my head.” —R.


14. “I pretended to like everyone so they won’t hate me.” —P.


15. “I went to the bathroom stall to Google something related to my job because I was too embarrassed to Google it in public.” —K.

16. “I took selfies in my new office space while everyone was out on lunch.” —D.


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About The Writer

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. More about Karina

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