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For Employer

How Your Dating Experience Can Actually Help You Hire Better


Agustus 16 • 6 menit membaca

If you think about it, hiring people is really just like dating—when you go over resumes and cover letters, you think about who’s worth swiping right. And just like dating, there will be people you’ll have perfect chemistry with—those interviews where you and the candidate just click.

And then there are those that didn’t really go so well. When you’re hiring, you’re actually choosing your next relationship; one whose values align with the company, who’s passionate about the job you do and the job they are going into, and of course, one whose personality matches with your company’s culture.

So before you fall head over heels with “The One,” here are some dating tips you could apply onto your next hiring process.

Maybe you’ll fall for a “Maybe”

Today’s dating scene has fully evolved. All you have to do now is stalk a person online, get some info on them, and whether you’re satisfied or unsure with what you see, you go ahead and ask them out to so you’ll know them better.

A lot of people fall for the “maybe’s” the first time, but when they finally meet in person, everything changes. So, consider this when you’re looking over a bunch of resumes, you will never know who catches your professional heartstrings until you’ve interviewed them personally. And just like looking over online dating apps, you need to have a criteria to look for—college degrees, skills, experiences, etc.

But don’t limit yourself to that. You also need to look out for what makes them standout from the rest—a special skill, or perhaps a unique viewpoint they acquired from their previous company. Look for the maybe’s, because you’ll never know, the right one might just be there.

Find the chemistry

On a dating site, you have access to their information: do they have kids? What religion do they practice? Do we have anything in common? But what you can’t see, however, is if you have chemistry together. That’s why you go on a date—to see if there’s chemistry.

The same is true in hiring. You have all the information from your applicant’s resumes, but you don’t know if you’ll really like them, or if they’re perfect for the job.

Company culture may not be your biggest concern, however, the dynamic the person will have with you and other co-workers sometimes determines whether they’ll fit in or not. So in an interview, look for chemistry.

Think of the future

Thinking about going exclusive in a relationship is a scary yet exciting thing, and it can feel the same when it comes to hiring. Of course, there are the occasional thoughts of, “What if it doesn’t work out?” Should you need to hire again?

Well, you can’t go through life always wondering, “What If.” Hiring people has stages of cutting others out, but how you close the door with those you almost hired is important too. You never know when you’re going to need them again.

So when it’s time to say goodbye to great matches, always show appreciation for the chance of getting to know each other. With grace and with ease, explain that you’ve decided to go exclusive with someone else. Then lastly, wish them luck.

This gives both of you an open opportunity for future possibilities in case the first one doesn’t work out. Looking for your next hire is like committing to “The One.” However, remove the pressure of looking for your best match, because the world will still continue to turn when the first one didn’t work. But with luck and some pixie dust, you might just find a candidate that will commit to being your “One,” too.

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Tentang Penulis

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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