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Beranda>For Jobseeker > Things You Need to Do to Ace That Skype Interview (VIDEO)
For Jobseeker

Things You Need to Do to Ace That Skype Interview (VIDEO)


Desember 07 • 2 menit membaca

The Skype interview is taking over the job interview scene with the number of users more than doubling in recent years. Employers all over the world are opting for this cheaper and more efficient means of meeting job candidates. The virtual interview is also beneficial for potential candidates who live far away or don’t have the capacity to make it to a company office for a 30 minute (or longer) interview.

Some people think that a phone or Skype interview is easier to nail than a face-to-face interview but that might not be the actual case. While there are pros and cons to each mode of interview, there is a different kind of preparation process when it comes to video call interviews.

The Interview Guys, Jeff & Mike, shed some light on the do’s and don’ts of the Skype interview. From eye contact to lighting, what you knew about the job interview is about to take a two dimensional turn.

These are the basics to prepare you for a Skype interview but with the increasing popularity of the platform, there are many new ways you can impress your employer online.

Don’t think that just because the interviewer can’t see the whole picture you get a free pass to be sloppy. It’s good practice to be doubly prepared for any kind of interview out there.

All set for that interview? There are tons of jobs on Kalibrr. Sign up now and let one find you!

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Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. Lebih Lanjut Karina

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