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Home>For Jobseeker > Weekly Round-Up: Job-Skills Mismatch May Affect 1.2 M New Grads
For Jobseeker

Weekly Round-Up: Job-Skills Mismatch May Affect 1.2 M New Grads


March 13 • 6 min read


Being updated is key to getting ahead, but we know how hard it is to make sure you’ve read everything you need to know to stay in the know. Well, Kalibrr is here to help you. Introducing the Weekly Round-Up: a look back on the important news and articles about employment that you may have missed out on in the last week.

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1. Job-skills mismatch may affect 1.2 million new graduates

According to labor group Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP), an estimated 1.2 million college and vocational graduates this month will find it difficult to find a job due to a growing mismatch between their training and the job skills required by most of employers. “This job-skills mismatch crisis in the country has been on going and it continues to grow. Competition is getting higher so employers are putting additional qualifications into the job descriptions for them to compete. With employers adding more qualifications, graduates’ credentials will be scrutinized longer. This additional layer in the procedure could mean additional training which entails further cost and perseverance for the applicant. While those who fall through the cracks will become unemployed or underemployed,” said TUCP spokesperson Alan Tanjusay.

2. S. Korea increase quota of OFWs to 6,800 in 2016—Baldoz


The Philippines hopes to send more workers to South Korea’s manufacturing sector this year, as its quota under the Employment Permit System (EPS) has increased anew from 4,600 in 2015 to 6,800 this year. Labor Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz bared on Tuesday after she received a letter from Choi Junha, Director of the Foreign Workforce Division of South Korea’s Ministry of Employment and Labor, saying that South Korea has set the ceiling for the Philippines under the EPS at 6,800 and the number of jobseekers permitted to be on the roster at 8,100.

3. More Filipinos employed in Jan 2016—NEDA


The number of employed Filipinos increased to 94.2% or roughly about  39.2 million at the start of the year, the latest Labor Force Survey (LFS) released by the Philippine Statistics Authority revealed.

An estimated 752,000 additional jobs generated in between the survey period. The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) also said the industry and services sectors generated 508,000 and 1.18 million jobs, respectively, contributing to the country’s employment rating improvement.

4. PH slowly losing gender gap in employment and leadership


For the 10th consecutive year, the Philippines (71.4) has ranked third in leading towards gender parity in Asia Pacific, with New Zealand (78.0), Australia (76.0) in first and second respectively, according to the latest MasterCard Index of Women’s Advancement. “Gender gaps in access to education have narrowed over the years, but we still have a long way to go before women across Asia Pacific are equally represented in business and politics,” said Georgette Tan, group head, Communications, Asia Pacific, MasterCard.

5. Women OFWs now have an option when they return home


The Department of Labor and Employment and Coca-Cola Philippines has launched a program called Women Entrepreneurs Reintegrated and Economically Active at Home (WOMEN REACH), to help women OFWs explore possible economic opportunities when they come home. Through the program, women OFWs will be provided with business skills, life training, and access to business enhancement or start up capital assets. “The program partnership is targeted towards our returning women OFWs, especially our domestic workers and caregivers. The program shall equip them with the right support to build their entrepreneurial confidence so they can establish or enhance their own micro-enterprises within their own localities and eliminate the need for them to go abroad again,” DOLE Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz said.

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About The Writer

Hello, my name is Karina and I work as a freelance contributor at Kalibrr. I enjoy reading self-improvement books and working out. More about Karina

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